22 June 2022

The recent developments regarding the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the east-coast market has generated a significant public interest in understanding the contributing factors prior to AEMO suspending the market last week, and now, preparing to lift the suspension and resume the market. CEO Rachel Brdanovic was approached by the ABC The World Today to provide some insights, listen below:



Additionally, Rachel has also been approached recently by the ABC to provide comments and information regarding the benefits that energy storage provides towards the cost of living, and the opportunity community batteries have towards enabling many people to access storage and renewable energy which may not be possible due to living in apartments or renting, which Rachel has also commented on in another article!

Read the ABC articles here:

‘Concerns SA budget doesn’t go far enough to address rising cost of living’ by Sara Tomevska and Eric Tlozek

‘Federal election: Contrasting solutions to building Australia’s new and more flexible electricity system’ by Eric Tlozek

‘Eight million Australian homes aren’t energy efficient. This sharehouse is just one battling to change their property’ by Emilia Terzon