What is carbon accounting?

What is carbon accounting? Carbon accounting is the name commonly given to the process of assessing an organisation’s impact on climate change by calculating its emissions of carbon-based greenhouse gases (GHGs). This often means some digging around in your purchasing records and a bit of number crunching, but it doesn’t have to be a hard [...]

By |2024-08-19T14:54:58+09:30August 19th, 2024|0 Comments

Are virtual power plants the way to go?

South Australia depends on a lot of renewables, such as solar, but what happens at night, or on cloudy days, when the solar panels aren’t generating much energy? Sadly, we have to buy our energy from another source, such as Victoria (nasty coal power!). To avoid this, we can utilise new technology like virtual power [...]

By |2024-06-18T09:41:40+09:30June 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Fixing fast fashion

Australia has a problem with fast fashion. The rise of companies such as Temu and Shein have created a situation where people are buying clothes and disposing of them, sometimes unworn, because they are so cheap. This causes a multitude of problems: Piles of unwanted clothes in Atacama Desert, Chile (credit: https://phys.org/) Greenhouse [...]

By |2024-04-16T12:42:10+09:30April 16th, 2024|0 Comments

Single-use plastic in labs – niche or not?

Do you work in a lab, or fast food? Surprisingly, these two industries have a lot in common when it comes to single use plastic. We recently completed a net zero pathway for a client and learned a lot about single use labware in the process. Admittedly, it’s a bit niche, but we thought it [...]

By |2024-04-03T10:25:58+10:30April 3rd, 2024|0 Comments

The year in retrospect

2023 has been a busy year for Tandem Energy, but they say time flies when you’re having fun (saving the world). Here are just some of the projects we’ve worked on this year. We love working with our good friends at City of Adelaide so we’ve done a lot with them including: Energy and resource [...]

By |2023-12-14T09:28:43+10:30December 14th, 2023|0 Comments