Are virtual power plants the way to go?

South Australia depends on a lot of renewables, such as solar, but what happens at night, or on cloudy days, when the solar panels aren’t generating much energy? Sadly, we have to buy our energy from another source, such as Victoria (nasty coal power!). To avoid this, we can utilise new technology like virtual power [...]

By |2024-06-18T09:41:40+09:30June 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Heatwaves – the silent killer

Late last year, the ABC published an article about the dangers of extreme heat – Australia’s silent killer. It’s an important read because extreme temperatures are becoming more common and, thanks to the already locked-in levels of climate change, will soon be “normal”. What can we do about it? Not much (although reducing emissions as [...]

By |2024-02-29T13:11:06+10:30February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

Are you guilty of wish-cycling?

"Wish-cycling" is where we put things in the recycling bin, in the hopes that it can be recycled, without finding out whether that item is really recyclable. We feel like we’ve done the right thing and now it’s someone else’s problem, right? Yeah, we’ve all done it. Many products are physically recyclable, and the labels [...]

By |2024-02-29T13:09:42+10:30February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

The year in retrospect

2023 has been a busy year for Tandem Energy, but they say time flies when you’re having fun (saving the world). Here are just some of the projects we’ve worked on this year. We love working with our good friends at City of Adelaide so we’ve done a lot with them including: Energy and resource [...]

By |2023-12-14T09:28:43+10:30December 14th, 2023|0 Comments

Acknowledge the climate emergency every day

We acknowledge that Australia and the world is facing an unprecedented climate emergency.  We must all act urgently to reduce global temperatures to a safe level and ensure a just and fair future for all. Why an acknowledgement of the climate emergency? It is essential that all decision-making made in every area of society must [...]

By |2020-03-04T12:54:58+10:30March 3rd, 2020|0 Comments

Federal Government Energy Efficiency Program – what you should know

The Federal Government has announced that they will provide $50 million in grants to eligible businesses and community organisations through the Energy Efficient Communities Program. Interestingly, some local MPs in South Australia have decided to promote this program through their own networks, leading to some confusion. Here is the information to date as can be [...]

By |2019-03-18T19:42:14+10:30March 18th, 2019|0 Comments

Time to make the switch?

The recent Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) 2018 National Retail Energy Report highlights an all-time low in consumer confidence in the Australian energy retail market. Only one in four consumers believe energy retailers are working in their long-term interests, falling from 50 to 39 per cent on the previous year. Here in South Australia, consumer [...]

By |2018-07-16T11:07:20+09:30July 9th, 2018|0 Comments

Battery Data Package Winner report

We installed a data logger at our winner's home from 8th to 28th March. This recorded the energy use of a number of different circuits - the air-conditioning, the stove, the lights, and everything else. We identified the day where they used the most energy, and also discovered what a typical day in their house [...]

By |2018-06-24T10:13:59+09:30October 3rd, 2017|0 Comments