Is Bigger Better?

The Australian energy market is always evolving, and the solar market is reflective of this. Increases to feed-in tariffs and decreases in the price of solar panels have provided a situation where larger systems are now tipped to save money and repay the investment in them over an equal, if not shorter, time than [...]

By |2018-06-24T10:12:55+09:30November 29th, 2017|0 Comments

SMA factory visit

Every time I visit Germany I see and experience their well-organised system in a different way. This time I had the privilege to visit SMA HQ, thanks to Peter Castle from SMA Australia, who helped organise a tour. Martin, my host, has been working with SMA for over thirty years and during this time he [...]

By |2018-06-24T10:13:28+09:30October 3rd, 2017|0 Comments

Battery Data Package Winner report

We installed a data logger at our winner's home from 8th to 28th March. This recorded the energy use of a number of different circuits - the air-conditioning, the stove, the lights, and everything else. We identified the day where they used the most energy, and also discovered what a typical day in their house [...]

By |2018-06-24T10:13:59+09:30October 3rd, 2017|0 Comments